The pluralistic nature of this species in its archaic form impedes our development of any exact science of document dating.
Research reveals their acute aversion to homogeneity as a congenital characteristic embedded in the tarpit of their gene pool.
However, tritium testing does reveal that prior to this civilization's cognizance of electronic communication, a phenomenon of "imprinted matter" enjoyed a 5,000-year history.
In their attempt to grasp some understanding of the nature of time, known experientially as a swift, slippery and merciless treadmill rushing underfoot, constellations of individuals were sequestered in preordained locations forming ritualistic guilds. It was the members of these guilds who were assigned to caretake events by recording them both in their literal sense and in relation to ideological connections to their belief systems. By doing so, hope was entertained that some control would be asserted over said time and events by a process called: "Ma-gic".
Pictorial embellishments on the resulting "man-u-scripts" were highly encouraged. Conceptual embellishment, however, was strictly forbidden, even marginally, and punishable by expulsion from the spiritual or secular cloister, or by death. Jurisprudence was conducted with difficulty since it could never be clearly established what point of view was or was not residing solely in the eye of the beholder.
Legend would have it that base motor control was employed for these recordings with the aid of instruments plucked from creatures passing through the lowest level of their atmosphere. A separate source of fluid ("inc.") was then released off the instrument's tip on to a semi-absorbent material made from the skin of biological entities or of deciduous growth.
There is, however, no real evidence to support this contention.
The Electronic Chronicles are reproduced in this publication in the same archaic non-sequential form in which they were found in situ.
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