Online Readings:
Jaron Lanier, "Agents of Alienation"
Smell.Bytes catalogue texts: SmellBytes1 / SmellBytes2
Alonzo Addison, "Museum without Walls: Rethinking the Physical Paradigm"
The Televirtual Fruit Machine)
Paul Virilio, "Speed & Information, Cyber Alarm!"
Donna Haraway, Cyborg Manifesto
Phil Agre, "Net Presence"
Web Sites: Art Projects
R.U.R., The Web is the Robot
Tillie the Telerobotic Doll http://www.lynnhershman.com/
Liverpool: http://www.isea98.org/
International Art and Industry: http://www.i-a-s.de/IAS/htm/frprojects.htm
Garnet Hertz, Robotic Artist Interface http://www.conceptlab.com/interface/
NYU Media Lab http://mrl.nyu.edu/
Simon Penney http://www-art.cfa.cmu.edu/www-penny/works/workscode.html
Kinetic sculpture including "The Pride of Our Young Nation"Ken Feingold
"where I can see my house from here so we are" http://www.kenfeingold.com/notes.htmlArt and Industry Festival July 1999, installations and performances in the industrial zone
a project from the Kunstpflug e.V. Baitz, Germany: http://www.i-a-s.de/IAS/htm/frprojects.htmVirtual Gallery, Spain: http://www.iua.upf.es/~gvirtual/
Ken Goldberg et. al., Telegarden
June Houston, Ghost Watcher
Steve Mann, Wireless Wearable Webcam
Parkbench, Alice sat here / / Alice sat here
Eric Paulos, John Canny, PRoP -- Personal Roving Presence
Fakeshop, Fakeshop / Capsule Hotel
Wolfgang Staehle, Empire 24/7
Adrianne Wortzel, Camouflage Town
Tina Laporta, Distance / eye2ear / Dystopia / Re:mote
Eduardo Kac, Rara Avis / Uirapuru / Teleporting an Unknown State / Genesis
The Gene Media ForumAmy Alexander, The Bot
Web Sites: TechTool KitsThe Handy Board http://lcs.www.media.mit.edu/groups/el/projects/handy-board/
Handy Board Documentation http://lcs.www.media.mit.edu/groups/el/projects/handy-board/techdocs/index.htmlhttp://www.wellesley.edu/Physics/robots/handouts.html
Programmable Bricks: Toys to think with by Mitchel Resnick, Fred Martin,
Randy Sargent, and Brian Silverman. Available as a Adobe Acrobat PDF file
(200 KB).ICAM Telerobotic Cameras and Software: http://www.perceptualrobotics.com/prod/default.htm
Elekit Robots http://www.owirobot.com/
also featuring the history of robots including Movit and Owikit Electronic Robot KitsTalrick Robot Kits http://www.mrrobot.com/descriptionsall.html
Arrick Company, PC Based Motor Control Units and Robots, http://www.robotics.com/
LEGO Data Acquistion and Prototyping System: An Engineering and Science Curriculum for K-12 http://ldaps.ivv.nasa.gov/
ROBOLAB-National Instruments, LEGO Dacta, and Tufts University Bring the Future of Science and Engineering Into the Classroom http://www.natinst.com/robolab/
ROBOTRONIKA-hypermatic:automagic -presents state-of-the-art robotic products and their applications in commerce, science and art; the various forms, functions and consequences of automatization; and the works of prominent artists from the USA, Japan and Europe dealing with cybernetic systems, mechanical environments and the production of robots. http://robot.t0.or.at/
Robotic components for researchers. http://www.HelpMateRobotics.com
Web Sites: Research Institutions
Anthopomorphic robot by NASA and HelpMate Robotics: http://shay.ecn.purdue.edu/~rhirsh/ART.htm
Rodney Brooks Projects at M.I.T. http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/brooks/projects.html
Australia's Telerobot on the Web at University of Western Australia http://telerobot.mech.uwa.edu.au/
UWA Robotic and Automation Research Brochure
http://www.mech.uwa.edu.au/jpt/brochure.htmlVUB AI-Lab
The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, - part of the Computer Science Department and focuses on three research themes: evolution of language, software agents and robotic agents. http://arti.vub.ac.be/Robotic Design Studio at Wellesley, http://www.wellesley.edu/Physics/robots/studio.html
Getting Started With Handy Boards and Handy Logo. Available as a Adobe Acrobat PDF file (78 KB)
and at http://www.wellesley.edu/Physics/Rberg/proposal.htmlBeyond Black Boxes: Bringing Transparency and Aesthetics Back to Scientific Instruments - Project funded by the National Science Foundation (1997-1999) Principal Investigators - Mitchel Resnick, Media Laboratory, MIT , Robert Berg, Department of Physics, Wellesley College, Michael Eisenberg, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado , Sherry Turkle, Program in Science, Technology, and Society, MIT, Technical Director, Fred Martin, Media Laboratory, MIT
The Temple of ALife
Artificial Life - Art
TPR/fusebox Artists
http://alife.fusebox.com/The Art and Science Collaborative Research Laboratory
At the University of Western Australia - Wet Biology and Art
http://www.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au/TechnoSphere is a 3D model world inhabited by artificial lifeforms created by WWW users.
http://www.technosphere.org.uk/"Life Spacies" is an interaction and communication space, where remotely located visitors can interact with each other through evolutionary forms and images.
http://www.ntticc.or.jp/~lifespacies/Genome Research
http://www.genemedia.org/MIT Medialab Agents group
MIT AI LabThe Art and Science Collaborative Research Laboratory
At the University of Western Australia - Wet Biology and Art
http://www.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au/TechnoSphere is a 3D model world inhabited by artificial lifeforms created by WWW users.
http://www.technosphere.org.uk/"Life Spacies" is an interaction and communication space, where remotely located visitors can interact with each other through evolutionary forms and images.
http://www.ntticc.or.jp/~lifespacies/Genesis by Eduardo Kac - work is inoperative at this time, but there is info
http://www.ekac.org/genesis.htmlGenome Research
- Stanford EE
- EE/CS Mother Site
- HomeTech Solutions - Home Automation & Security, X10, Leviton, Audio/Video Control, and more
- Security APL Inc.
- HelpMate Robotics Home Page
- LIRA-Lab: Laboratory for Integrated Advanced Robotics
- Center for Vision and Image Sciences
- CS + ECE Tech Reports Page -- CMU Libraries
- Univeristy of Wisconsin - Madison Robotics Lab. Technical Reports
- UPenn University of Pennsylvania Vision Site, Brian Madden presiding.
Death by Design
Fast, Cheap and Out of Control, video with Rodney Brooks
Excerpts from Silent Running (predates Star Wars - with "personality
Universal Soldier
The Little Engine that Could
The Little Toaster
Star Trek(s)
Star Wars(s)
- Facts, figures and logic*
- Lore, legends and magic*
* Lyrics from Donovan, "Clara Clairvoyant", Open Road album, 1970!
Books and Print: IndustrialEngelberger, J. F.;Robotics in Practice, AMACOM, USA, 1980.
ISBN 0-8144-5645-6Engelberger, J. F.; Robotics in Service, Kogan Page, London, 1989,
ISBN 1-85091-358-7Hunt, V. Daniel; Smart Robots, A Handbook of Intelligent Robotic Systems,
Chapman and Hall Advanced Industrial Technology Series, New York, 1985.
ISBN 0-412-00531-X
Books and Print: TechToolsConrad, James M.; Mills, Jonathan W. (Contributor), Stiquito : Advanced Experiments With a Simple and Inexpensive Robot , 1997.
Hanqi Zhuang; Zvi S. Roth; Camera Aided Robot Calibration, 1996.
Haralick, Robert M.; Shapiro, Linda G. (Contributor); Computer and Robot Vision Vol 2, 1992
Jones and Flynn, Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implementation (Bobst Library)
Kortenkamp, David,(Editor), et al; Case Studies of Successful Robot Systems, 1998.
Martin, Fred; The Art of LEGO Design. A seminal article originally
published in The Robotics Practitioner that presents a variety of tips,
tricks, and ``design clichés'' for building with the LEGO Technic system.
Available as a Adobe Acrobat PDF file (974 KB).McComb, Gordon; The Robot Builder's Bonanza : 99 Inexpensive Robotics Projects, McGraw-Hill, 1987
ISBN 0-8306-2800-2
Rev 1995.Pattis, Richard E.; Karel the Robot : A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming, et al ,1994
Books and Print: Robotics Research by Universities and InstitutionsAsada, Haruhiko; Slotine, Jean-Jacques E.; Robot Analysis and Control ,1986.
Dorigo, Marco; Colombetti, Marco; Robot Shaping : An Experiment in Behavior Engineering (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents), 1997.
Hoshizaki, Jon ; Bopp, Emily; Robot Applications Design Manual, 1990.
Lorenzo, Sciavicco, et al; Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, 1995.
Krotkov, Eric Paul; Active Computer Vision by Cooperative Focus and Stereo (Springer Series in
Perception Engineering), 1989.Mayhew, John E.W.; Frisby, John P. (Editor); 1997 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, Ro-Man, 3D Model Recognition from Stereoscopic Cues (Artificial Intelligence Series), 1998.
Muralidhara, Subbarao; Interpretation of Visual Motion : A Computational Study (Research Notes in
Artificial Intelligence), 1988.Rosheim, Mark E.; Robot Evolution : The Development of Anthrobotics,1994.
Samson, Claude, et al; Robot Control : The Task Function Approach , 1991.
Sood, Arun K.; Wechsler, Harry (Editor), Active Perception and Robot Vision (NATO Asi, Series F : Computer and
Systems Sciences, Vol. 83), 1992.Spong, Mark W.; Vidyasagar, M. (Contributor); Robot Dynamics and Control, 1989.
Taylor, Russell H.(Editor), et al; Computer-Integrated Surgery : Technology and Clinical Applications, 1995.
Vieville, Thierry; A Few Steps Towards 3d Active Vision (Springer Series in Information Sciences, Vol 33), 1998.
Zhihua Qu,; Dawson, Darren M. (Contributor); Robust Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators,1996.
1995 Ieee/Rsj International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems :
Human Robot Interaction and Cooperative Robots : August 5-9, Pittsburg, 1995.5th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication Ro-Man '96
Tsukuba : November 11-14, 1996 Auditorium, Aist Tsukuba Research Center ts
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society , 1997.
Books and Print: Adult FictionAsimov, Isaac; I, Robot, 1994.
Asimov, Isaac; Robot Visions ,1996.
Asimov, Isaac; The Robots of Dawn (Robot), 1994.
Asimov, Isaac; Prelude to Foundation, Doubleday, New York, 1988.
Bellairs, John; Gorey, Edward (Illustrator); The Eyes of the Killer Robot, Puffin Novels, 1998
Capek, Karel, R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) (a play), 1920
Cerasini, Marc; Godzilla Vs. the Robot Monsters (Godzilla , No 3), 1998
Coville, Bruce; Robot Trouble (The A.I. Gang), Pat MacDonald (Editor), 1995.
C.O.B.R.A. series by Timothy Zahn
Books and Print: Children's FictionBerenstain, Stan; The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Run-Amuck Robot (The Berenstain Bear Scouts), 1997.
Edkin, Joe; Attack of the Robot : Dc Comics Super Heroes (Golden Look-Look Book and Tattoos), 1996.
Fowler, Allan; It Could Still Be a Robot (Rookie Read-About Science) 1998.
LeTord, Bijou; Merry Christmas Hooper Dooper, Random House, New York, 1979.
Murphy, Stephen; Donatello; The Radical Robot, 1993.
Slote, Alfred; My Robot Buddy , 1986.
Yaccarino, Dan; If I Had a Robot, 1998.
Books and Print: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, PhilosophyNew York Times Book Reviews, January 3, 1999:
- Kurzweil, Ray; The Age of Spiritual Machines When computers Exceed Human Intelligence, Viking Press, NYC, 1998.
- Moravec, Hans; Robot, Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind, Oxford Press, NY, 1998.
- Gershenfeld, Neil; When Things Start to Think, Henry Holt & Co., NY, 1998.
Arbib, Michael ; Brains, Machines and Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.
C(v)apek, Karel; R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robot), 1923, Oxford Univ Press, London, 1961.
Crary, Jonathan; Kwinter, Sanford; Incorporations, Zone Books, New York.
Crary, Jonathan; Techniques of the Observer , An October Book, MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Epstein, Richard G.; The Case of the Killer Robot : Stories About the Professional, Ethical,
and Societal Dimensions of Computing, 1996.Gleick, James; Chaos Making a New Science, Penguin Books, New York, 1988.
Haraway, Donna J.; Primate Visions , Routledge, New York, 1989.
Haraway, Donna J.; Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. The Reinvention of Nature, Routledge, New York, 1991.
Hofstadter, Douglas R. ; Goedel, Escher, Bach, Basic Books, New York, 1979.
Hofstadter, Douglas R.; Dennett, Daniel C. (Editors) ; The Mind's I, Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul, Basic Books, New York, 1981.
Selection 16, pp 253-268, excerpt from Software, Rudy Rucker, Avon Books, New York, 1982Manning, Aubrey; An Introduction to Animal Behavior, Addison-Wesley, London, 1972.
Meyrink, Gustav; The Golem, , Mudra, Prague, 1972.
Moravec, Hans; The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence ,1990.
Prothro, James S.; Man, God's Robot, , 1998.
Roeder, Kenneth D.; Nerve Cells and Insect Behavior, , Harvard Univ Press, Cambridge Mass, 1967.
Simon, Herbert; Models of Man, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1957.
Simons, Geoff; Robots, The Quest for Living Machines, Cassell, Great Britain, 1992.
ISBN 0-304-34086-3The Machine Age in America, 1918-1941
The Brooklyn Museum
Harry A. Abrams, 1986, New York
ISBN 0-8109-2334-3Anthony, Piers; Robot Adept , 1989.
Margaret Weis, Don Perrin
(Contributor) Robot Blues , 1996.Robot City C/Win/Us CD-ROM ,1995